Walls Tokyo Art Collection /モダニズム絵画の系譜
尾形純、ヴィクトール・ヴァザルリ、白髪一雄、ジョゼフ・アルバース、常田泰由、藤元明 他
2023.7.13 thu-8.12 sat
この度 Walls Tokyo では、Walls Tokyo Art Collection /モダニズム絵画の系譜 を開催します。
3 次元の空間が現れたようなイリュージョニズムや物語性を排したモダニズム絵画は、簡素で端正なインテリアや北欧モダンデザイン家具によく合います。
尾形純、ヴィクトール・ヴァザルリ、白髪一雄、ジョゼフ・アルバース、常田泰由、藤元明 他
Walls Tokyo is pleased to announce the 「Walls Tokyo Art Collection / Genealogy of Modernist Painting」
The exhibition will be held at the gallery.
Modernism in painting is characterized by a belief that the purity of a painting lies in its flatness, and that the materials (mediums) themselves, such as canvas and paint, are shown as they are.
Modernist paintings, which are devoid of illusionism and narrative, as if a three-dimensional space has appeared, go well with simple and neat interiors and modern Scandinavian design furniture.
In this exhibition, we will display and sell a number of works that follow the trend of modernist paintings. We look forward to your visit.
Scheduled to be exhibited
Jun Ogata, Victor Vasarely, Kazuo Shiraga, Josef Albers, Yasuyoshi Tokida, Akira Fujimoto, and others