Gaku Kakizaki
柿崎 覚
柿崎覚の作品は、キャンバスの上に油絵具で厚塗りに描かれた画面が特徴的な作品です。 東京生まれの柿崎はお気に入りの東京の風景を見つけると、その場にキャンバスと油絵具を持ち込み描いていきます。 モチーフとなる自然や風景を目の前にして描くことにより、臨場感溢れ迫力ある画面が生まれてきます。
Walls Tokyo Interview with Artist
--- いつ頃からアーティストを目指すようになりましたか?
--- When did you start aiming to become an artist?
When I was about 21 years old, I was playing music and not going to college, but I gradually became interested in painting through the knowledge I gained from books and music. After seeing the paintings of Egon Schiele and Ryusei Kishida in art books, I decided to become a painter and started attending an art prep school when I was 22. Then, when I turned 24, I entered an art college.
--- アーティストになりたいと思った理由は?
--- When did you start aiming to become an artist?
I thought that painting was very attractive and persuasive as a form of expression. It was so shocking and fascinating that the paintings and of the artists who inspired me, could make me feel that way.
--- どこでどのようにアートを学びましたか?
--- Where and how did you learn art?
From college, people I met, and the works of my predecessors. And since painting evolves, I learn from what I feel when I am painting and from the finished work.
--- 何からインスピレーションを得ますか?
--- What do you get your inspiration from?
In the case of landscapes, it´s the moment when I feel something is beautiful or wonderful. The atmosphere of the place, the air, the light, the colors, and many other things all combine, moving me and making me want to paint.
--- 作品を通して何を表現したいですか?
--- What do you want to express through your works?
I think it is something that can only be expressed through painting. For landscape paintings, I want the viewer to experience the same emotions that I felt in the scene. For example, I would like the viewer to feel as if they were walking through the forest on the path in the painting.
--- どのようにして制作しますか?
--- How do you create your works?
I paint with oil on canvas, but I rarely use brushes, only a painting knife.
When I face a white canvas, I don´t make a rough sketch because I have the complete picture in my mind, and I start applying paint little by little from the corner of the canvas.
I started putting a lot of paint on the canvas because I wanted to leave the touch and traces of the paint, and because I was attracted to the strong matière of oil painting.
Through a lot of trial and error and evolution, this way of painting came naturally to me.
--- なぜ今いる場所を選んだんですか?
--- Why did you choose the place where you are now?
I have been using familiar nature and scenery as my subject matter. I don´t want to be limited to that. In the future, I would like to go abroad to create and be active in various places.